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5 Things Your Employees Hate About Team Events (and how to avoid it)

Team events are often organized with the best intentions. They are designed to foster camaraderie, boost morale, and encourage collaboration among employees. However, despite these positive objectives, many employees dread these events. While team-building activities can be beneficial, it's important to recognize the common pitfalls that can make them more of a burden than a benefit. Here are five things your employees hate about team events and how you can address these issues to create more enjoyable and effective experiences.


1. Being tasked with organizing the event


Another major gripe employees have about team events is when they are tasked with organizing them. The process of arranging the right time and place, selecting appropriate activities, handling payments, and coordinating with vendors can be overwhelming and stressful, taking away valuable time and energy from their primary job responsibilities.

The Solution:
Delegate the organization of team events to a dedicated events coordinator or an external agency. Online services like Bondly makes it smooth and simple to handle all logistics for team events. They recommend tailored options for activities in your city and help coordinate requests with vendors. You can create a poll for activities and dates on their website, gather responses from your colleagues, and instantly book the best match.

This allows employees to focus on their work without the added stress of planning. If this isn't feasible, provide ample support and resources to those tasked with organizing the event to ensure it doesn't become an undue burden.


2. Having their personal time not respected


One of the primary complaints from employees about team events is that they often infringe on personal time. Team events are frequently scheduled outside of regular working hours, such as during evenings or weekends. This can be particularly frustrating for employees who value their personal time or have family commitments. Additionally, some team events blur the line between personal and professional boundaries, making employees uncomfortable.

The Solution:
Respecting employees' personal time is crucial. When planning team events, consider scheduling them during regular working hours. If this is not possible, try to limit the frequency of after-hours events and give ample notice so employees can plan accordingly. It’s also important to make participation voluntary. Respect employees' boundaries and understand that not everyone is comfortable mixing personal and professional lives.

Instead of organizing a weekend retreat, plan a half-day team-building workshop during a weekday. This way, employees can participate without sacrificing their personal time.


3. Forced Participation

Not all employees enjoy the same types of activities. Forcing everyone to participate in activities that are physically demanding, overly competitive, or simply outside of their comfort zones can lead to resentment and disengagement. Activities like trust falls, extreme sports, or highly competitive games can be particularly off-putting for some employees.

The Solution:
Offer a variety of activities that cater to different interests and comfort levels. Before planning an event, survey your team to understand their preferences and comfort zones. Incorporate a mix of low-key, creative, and physically engaging activities so that everyone can find something they enjoy.

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Instead of mandatory trust falls, offer a range of activities like a casual team lunch, a collaborative art project, or a friendly trivia competition. This variety allows employees to choose activities they are comfortable with.

4. Activities that are not inclusive

Team events can sometimes inadvertently exclude certain employees, whether due to physical abilities, dietary restrictions, cultural differences, or other personal factors. This exclusion can lead to feelings of isolation and resentment, undermining the very purpose of the event.

The Solution:
Inclusivity should be a cornerstone of any team event. Consider the diverse needs and preferences of your team members when planning activities. Ensure that venues are accessible, provide food options that cater to various dietary needs, and be mindful of cultural sensitivities.

When planning a team lunch, choose a restaurant that offers a variety of dietary options, including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free meals. If organizing physical activities, ensure there are alternative options for those who may not be able to participate.

5. Insufficient Follow-Up and Integration

One of the biggest frustrations employees have with team events is the lack of follow-up and integration of the event's outcomes into daily work life. Without proper follow-up, the insights and bonds formed during the event can quickly fade, rendering the event ineffective.

The Solution:
Follow up on team events with actionable steps and continued engagement. Collect feedback from participants to understand what worked and what didn’t. Use this feedback to improve future events. Additionally, integrate the outcomes of the event into the workplace. For example, if the event focused on improving teamwork, implement regular team check-ins to reinforce this skill.


After a team-building workshop, schedule a meeting to discuss key takeaways and how to apply them in everyday work. Creating a survey to get feedback on what employees liked and disliked also helps. Develop a plan to implement these insights and set up regular follow-ups to ensure they are being practiced.

How Bondly can make team events enjoyable for everyone

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At Bondly, we understand the challenges that come with organizing and participating in team events. We provide concierge-style service to help organize your team events. We’ll suggest tailored event options in your city and help you coordinate the event with the vendor.

We partner with a wide range of experienced providers worldwide to create tailored, enjoyable, and stress-free team-building experiences. Whether you need help planning a small team lunch or a large corporate retreat, we have the expertise to handle all the details, ensuring your team can focus on building relationships and enhancing collaboration without the hassle.

Additionally, Bondly helps you track the impact of your events by sending surveys after the event and gathering all feedback from the attendees. Based on this feedback, we recommend the best options for your next event, ensuring continuous improvement and maximizing the benefits of each team-building experience. Let us help you create events that your employees will look forward to and remember fondly.

Simply book a demo here, and we’ll provide you with tailored suggestions for your next team event!